Beware of fraud: photovoltaic components from insolvency assets

Prior PV
2024-04-18 16:14:00 /

Danger! There is currently an increasing number of fraud scams being observed in the field of photovoltaics. Criminals pose as lawyers or dealers and offer photovoltaic components such as inverters, modules and batteries from alleged insolvency assets for sale.

How to recognize the scam:

  • Unknown providers: The offers often come from unknown companies or private individuals.
  • Affordable prices: The prices for photovoltaic components are significantly lower than usual.
  • Pressure to make a quick decision: The sellers try to put pressure on you to buy the components quickly.
  • Advance payment: You will be asked to pay for the goods in advance.
  • No delivery: After payment you do not receive the goods or the goods are of inferior quality.

What can you do to protect yourself?

  • Be skeptical: If an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
  • Find out about the provider: Research the provider online and check whether it is reputable.
  • Compare prices: Get quotes from multiple providers and compare prices.
  • No advance payment: Never pay for the goods in advance.
  • Don't make hasty decisions: Take your time and don't make a purchase decision under pressure.
  • File a report: If you have fallen victim to a scam, report it to the police.

Additional Information:

In summary, you should always be vigilant when it comes to offers of photovoltaic components from insolvency assets. Check the provider carefully and do not make hasty decisions.

Use this information to protect yourself from fraud and invest safely in photovoltaic components!