Solar energy is booming: State subsidies for photovoltaics in Germany

Prior PV
2024-04-18 15:41:00 /

The energy transition in Germany is progressing and photovoltaics play a key role. The sun is an inexhaustible source of energy that is available to us free of charge. With a photovoltaic system you can generate your own solar power and thus become independent of rising energy prices and fossil fuels.

In order to promote the expansion of solar energy, the German government offers various funding programs.

What funding options are there?

  • Funding from KfW: The Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) offers low-interest loans and grants for the installation of photovoltaic systems. Individuals can obtain loans of up to 100,000 euros with an interest rate of 0.75% per year. Companies can obtain loans of up to 5 million euros with an interest rate of 1.00% per year.
  • Funding from the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection (BAFA): BAFA offers degressive investment subsidies for the installation of photovoltaic systems. The amount of funding depends on the performance of the system and decreases every year.
  • Regional funding programs: Many federal states and municipalities also offer their own funding programs for photovoltaic systems. Find out which funding programs are offered in your region on the websites of your responsible authorities.

What should you consider when applying for funding?

As a rule, applications for funding must be submitted before installation of the photovoltaic system begins.
Various documents are required for funding, e.g. B. an offer from an installer and proof of energy requirements.
Funding rates and conditions are subject to change. Before submitting your application, please find out about the current regulations on the funding providers' websites.


The government funding programs make installing a photovoltaic system significantly cheaper. Before purchasing a photovoltaic system, find out about the various funding options.

With a photovoltaic system you can not only save money, but also make a contribution to the energy transition.

Use the power of the sun and become independent of fossil fuels!

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